If your business uses multiple credit cards for any reason, you can give your credit cards nicknames such as "Main Street Store Card" or "Mike's Card" or anything else that will help you remember which card is which.
This information is for your use only and is not used to actually process a payment with the credit card processor. The Name on Card field must reflect the actual name on your credit card.
Give an existing card a nickname
To change the Card Nickname of a credit card you already have on your account, please make sure you're logged in and then visit the Payments section of your account profile.
From there, click on the 3 dots on the top right of the credit card and click Edit Card:
Next, fill out the field that's labeled Card Nickname:
Give a new card a nickname
To add a nickname to a new credit card, simply add the Card Nickname when you are adding a new card from the Payments section of your account profile.
To do this, fill out the field that's labeled Card Nickname: